
Remember When? The Joys and Pitfalls of Nostalgia.

Saint - Jean-de-Trézy , France No less than the mafia philosopher Tony Soprano once said, “‘Remember when’ is the lowest form of conversation.” Tony said this to Paulie Walnuts when the latter was driving him crazy with constant reminiscences at the expense of any other topic of conversation.  Tony’s sentiments are true, at least some of the time. Living in and talking largely about the past can be problematic. It can stunt growth,  intellectually and emotionally. Then again, who are any of us to criticize being nostalgic and enjoying shared memories with family and friends? It’s the stuff of life. Go for it. The key, of course, is to continue to make new memories. I suspect we age more rapidly in psychological terms if we decide to stop being forward-looking and cease creating new memories.   Moderating talking about the past and how and when we do so would seem to be central to maintaining a positive growth mindset. “Why does nostalgia exist and how helpful is it,” a listener asked D

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