Give 'em Hell, David

David Walker is a remarkable guy. The independent Comptroller General of the United States has been on the hustings speaking truth to power. In his refreshingly candid call-to-action stump speech, he asks:

"Where's the accountability for spending increases and tax cuts that are unaffordable and unsustainable over time?"

"Where's the accountability for government programs and tax preferences that aren't getting real results?"

"Where's the accountability for federal programs and policies that are rooted in the past and no longer meet the needs of the American people?"

"Where's the accountability for Congressional "pet" projects, better known as earmarks, at a time of huge budget defecits?"

To a Congress and White House dangerously out of touch with economic, cultural, diplomatic and national security standards of excellence, we the people must repeatedly ask, "Where's the accountability?"

Walker finished a speech before the National Association of State Legislators this past weekend indicating that the U.S. is suffering four massive defecits at the same time: budget, savings, balance of payments and, yes, leadership.

Mr. Walker's speeches can be found at