Ambition For The Public Good?

Los Angeles

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is about as politically ambitious as it gets. And that’s saying a mouthful for today’s politicians. Oh, alright. It does get worse. Sorry, Newt.

The benefits of some of Cuomo’s past highly publicized interventions into, say, the college financial aid market seem unclear and may have done more harm than good. If his particular brand of publicity-oriented populism can be somehow linked more to the public interest and less to his own ambition, however, it may be just what we need – at least in the short term.

Cuomo has now set his sights on AIG. Specifically, he is methodically asking each of the AIG mega-bonus recipients to return their loot and, so far, he is doing so in private. We learn today that nine of the top 10 bonus recipients have coughed up the dough at Cuomo’s urging, returning $50 million to the U.S. Treasury. How would you like to be that one holdout? He hopes to recover another $30 million. One conjures in Cuomo a Jack Russell Terrier with an unrelenting, biting clutch on the metaphorical cuff of these bonus babies. His example illustrates, however, how certain leadership styles can be just right for the times. Cuomo has found his time and he can now do some real good. Go for it, General. Lead us!

p.s. I had never been to the Getty Museum high atop the Santa Monica Mountains, until now. It is a breathtaking location. How exquisite it is at this time of Japanese baseball supremacy to have seen The Mazarin Chest and the Van Diemen Box, two of the finest examples of Edo Period export lacquer.