The Crowdfunding Comedian

Austin – comic-satire website is the brainchild of Matthew Inman, comedian, cartoonist and former web designer. Inman told an SXSW audience here that his ongoing search for a meaningful career brought him to the realization that, “I’m a stand-up comedian whose stage is the web.” What an interesting synthesis of his many talents.

Like too many folks here, Inman has that studied, post-modern, ironic, hipster thing going on.  However, it works because of his considerable talent. Rare is the person who can speak, draw and write well. He’s become a formidable crowdfunder, too. He offered three keys to successful crowdfunding:  1. “Be wary of the perks; you can drown in them.” Put the cause ahead of the stuff people get for giving.  2. “Keep your appeal short and sweet. No giant walls of text.”  3. “Don’t feel like you need the obligatory video.” They’re too long, too similar, and people are getting bored with them. Of course, it helps if you can instead create comic-infographics of his quality. He told us (crowdfunding) is not about products or selling books; it’s about righting a wrong.”

Inman did not expect to become a national crowdfunding expert. Like so many things, it happened accidentally. He adroitly converted a “nuisance lawsuit” – and the lunacy of an angry lawyer who failed to understand the consequences of suing an online comedian and producer of comic art – into $250,000 for the American Cancer Society and National Wildlife Fund. He also raised $1.4 million to reclaim Nikola Tesla’s laboratory site and boost the reputation of this forgotten electronics pioneer – partly and hilariously at Thomas Edison’s expense, too! Inman told us, “

In worrying aloud about running out of creative ideas, Inman reinforced something Bobby McFerrin said at his Circle Song camp at the Omega Institute last year. “If you have nothing to say, don’t say anything.” Fortunately for us, Inman still has plenty to say – and do.
Twitter @jessicamcwade