Now That's a Leader: Mohannad Sabry


"He saw things that could have saved Egypt from the ticking time bomb in the Sinai." That's what David Ignatius wrote about Egyptian freelance journalist Mohannad Sabry in the November 27th Washington Post.

At great risk to his life and livelihood, the Cairo-based Sabry, 32, has fought tenaciously to uncover the indifference, mismanagement and corruption that has produced lawlessness in the Sinai, created conditions for terrorists to thrive there and likely made possible the downing of that Russian airliner.
Sabry reported ominous "things," but nobody in a position to correct the Sinai's downward spiral  over recent years paid any attention. Except, of course, those who wanted to harm him for embarrassing them by speaking truth to power.
We live at a moment when shameless, little politicians are merchandising ignorance and invective the world over. Here in stark contrast is a brave, young man - a recent cancer survivor, too - who is leading with determination, reason, narrative and data to make our world a better, safer place.
Read the Carnegie Council's Joanne Myers December 1st interview with Sabry at
 Image courtesy of Carnegie Council.