Enuma Okoro is an inspiration. The “Art of Life” columnist in The FTWeekend reminds us of the power of nature to “help alleviate stress and temper the symptoms of depression.”
She uses the 2009 painting “Sunworshipper in Central Park” (pictured here) by Malawi-born artist Billie Zangewa to illustrate the restorative value of taking even a few minutes in our impossibly busy days to go outside and let nature work its healing power.
Okoro writes, “I think the mistake we often make is assuming we can only rest or regroup if we have a large chunk of time. So we fail to make use of the 15 or 20 minutes we might find in the course of a busy day.” She references studies demonstrating that “consistent engagement” with nature is both physically and mentally healthy. There is undoubtedly research connecting these kind of healthy habits to greater productivity, as well.
Isn’t it time we put the “nature” back in “human nature”?
Image courtesy of The Financial Times